Make It As A Professional Artist

Learn how to raise your profile and get paid for your art skills from top art world experts without compromising your art


Professional Artist


Get Mentorship

Committed to make it happen?

1:1 invite-only coaching program for ambitious artists who're ready to hit their art business goals.

12 Months

Professional Artist


Get Mastermind

Want a private sounding board?

Get all Associate benefits plus a supportive community of vetted pro artists to make it happen.


Professional Artist


Get Knowledge & Community

Unsure how to move forward?

Access step-by-step monthly marketing roadmaps + thousands of expert answers to grow sales.


What makes our programs different?

Learn from a faculty of experts, not one guru.

The Professional Artist Institute offers professional development training for visual artists who are serious about the next step in their artist career.

We have invested hundreds of thousands and years co-creating world-class programs and facilitating transformational experiences for our students.

Now you can benefit from all that research at a fraction of the cost and time.

Who do we help?

  • Emerging artist: looking to fast-track your reputation and art income.
  • Re-emerging artist: finally with time for your art career -- but so much is new.
  • “Second career” artist: ready to make the transition to your true calling.
  • Mid-career to established artist: you have hit a ceiling or tech gets in the way.

Our programs will equip you with proven tools and step-by-step guidance to get REAL-LIFE results.

The methods taught have been tested and proven among thousands of artists around the world.

If you are ready to level up your results, we are ready to share our expertise.