

Discover the 5 Steps to Start & Grow the Business Side of Your Art

How Painters, Sculptors, and Fine Art Photographers are Building Steady, More Predictable Art Sales and Gaining Wider Visibility for Their Work -- No MFA Degree or Art World Connections Required

Exclusive free training from The Professional Artist Institute:

  • The four fastest ways to increase your art-based earnings
  • What to focus on so you don’t get overwhelmed
  • Three things you MUST get right to gain credibility

Are you an emerging artist looking to build your reputation while selling more of your work?

Maybe you’re a “second career” artist who is ready to go pro -- but feeling overwhelmed about where to start. 

Or perhaps you’ve put your art on the back burner for years and finally have the time again -- but so much is new, you feel like you’ll never be able to catch up. 

Whether or not you went to art school... 

… nobody ever taught you the business part of being a professional artist.


  • Having the confidence to “put yourself out there” and share your work widely
  • Bringing in enough art-based earnings to finally quit your day job
  • Knowing that your work is priced appropriately (and watching it sell!)
  • Exhibiting in galleries and museums alongside other artists you admire
  • Meeting collectors who look forward to buying your latest work
  • Teaching art from anywhere in the world, wherever you live or travel
  • Connecting with the biggest influencers in your field, who promote you to their audience for FREE
  • Making a much bigger impact with your art

Shreya Mehta

Sold over $25,000 in artworks over just three months.

Steve Munro

Got gallery representation when all seemed lost.

Sally Strand

Earned $2,950 in her first month teaching online.

100% Free - Next Class Starts Today