Email (please make sure to use the same email address you used when you enrolled in the program): *
Your artist website:
Your Instagram:
Why did you decide to join this program? *
Based on your Clarity Call, what is the #1 goal you hope to get out of this program?
Where are you at now in relation to your #1 goal?
If any, what were there #2 or #3 goals discussed in the strategy call to be done after your #1?
What are the top 3 pain points you encountered in trying to achieve this goal?
What are 3 things you've tried to do, but failed at, to achieve this goal?
What do you think you need to do to reach your goal?
Ok, let’s talk about your marketing channels… how many EMAIL subscribers do you have in your list?
When was the last time you emailed your past buyers?
How frequently do you email them with non-sales content? And with sales-focused content?
Ok, a few more details about your ARTWORK SALES… In terms of artwork sales, how much did you earn in the last 12 months?
Which channels brought you the most sales?: (eg. oil painting, $1000, via email)
If yes, how much did you earn in the last 12 months? Kindly put 0 if none or if you haven't conducted an workshop yet.
Optional: If relevant, please state how many commissions you have completed in the past 12 months and what the total revenue was.
How many Instagram followers do you currently have?
Do you have any show or art event scheduled during the duration of your coaching? If yes, please let us know when.
Ok, the final three… What is your employment situation? (how many days or hours a week on your art business?)
Tell us about you personally. (Family situation. Health. Anything we should know)
Is there anything else about your art business or art career that we need to know?