Apply to join the waitlist 

for the Professional Artist Accelerator

Step 1: review the brochure for all details.

Step 2: submit your application.

What do great applications look like?

Understanding: How will the Professional Artist Accelerator aid your growth?

Alignment: What's the relationship between your goals and what we can provide?

Openness: What examples do you have of being open to personal change and transformative experiences?

Your application will require intention and curiosity, but you're ready even if it doesn't feel that way.

Believe in possibility and jump in below.

Artist website, portfolio (link only), Instagram, etc.

We recognize there may be factors that impact the ability of artists to join our coaching program. This might be due to conversion rates to USD, a sales slump, or other financial limitations. We’ve created this scholarship to help those who would not have access to the Professional Artist Accelerator without financial support, and who have shown a history of determination, setting big goals aligned with their values, and prioritizing impact through their art.

It's important to know this scholarship reduces tuition by $2,000 USD, reducing your set up fee from $2,990 to only $990, while maintaining the $399/mo coaching fee, and is limited to only a few seats per month. Admission as a scholarship student is more competitive than the traditional application. Learn more here.

What's next?

When our Admissions Team reviews applications we look for an understanding of how the coaching program will aid your art business growth, alignment between your goals and what we can provide, and most of all examples of being open to personal change and transformative experiences.

Drop us a line at [email protected] if there's anything you need while we review your application.

Please note we may need to have a brief phone conversation with you for clarity in our decision. We then aim to get back to you with a final verdict within 48h.

Are you an emerging artist looking to build your reputation while selling more of your work?

Maybe you’re a “second career” artist who is ready to go pro -- but feeling overwhelmed about where to start. 

Or perhaps you’ve put your art on the back burner for years and finally have the time again -- but so much is new, you feel like you’ll never be able to catch up. 

Whether or not you went to art school... 

… nobody ever taught you the business part of being a professional artist.


  • Having the confidence to “put yourself out there” and share your work widely
  • Bringing in enough art-based earnings to finally quit your day job
  • Knowing that your work is priced appropriately (and watching it sell!)
  • Exhibiting in galleries and museums alongside other artists you admire
  • Meeting collectors who look forward to buying your latest work
  • Teaching art from anywhere in the world, wherever you live or travel
  • Connecting with the biggest influencers in your field, who promote you to their audience for FREE
  • Making a much bigger impact with your art

Shreya Mehta

Sold over $25,000 in artworks over just three months.

Steve Munro

Got gallery representation when all seemed lost.

Sally Strand

Earned $2,950 in her first month teaching online.

100% Free - Next Class Starts Today